This is also a very new piece. I'm in the process of working out a lot of things, and I think it comes out in the visual torment that this figure looks to be in. It's turning out to be more of a self-portrait then anything else.
Having moved from Southern California back to the midwest after a 5 year stint, I don't think I have a grasp of who I am and what I want creatively. So, for me, that means, working these things out visually, trying to find a nitch or an idea or a style that works and running with it. This piece has a lot in common with some work I did about 12 years ago in North Carolina, with the exception of the structural instability of those pieces. This is still a work in progress.
I have my mind set on buying cement and pouring small cement blocks for use as a pseudo-canvas and incorporating newspaper and the insect world. I'm actually VERY excited about it. I felt that the piece you see below was neccessary for me to complete before I move on.
I will be posting a finished version of it in the next day or so.
I guess I'm calling this piece BOUND TO A LIFE HE NEVER CHOSE
it looks like you are doing a lot of work. I cant wait to see where it all goes because it looks like you are working toward something very interesting.
I hope so, at the moment my creative drive is out of control and I can't stop creating.
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