We are Babylon, we are the sleepers, we are the beginning of the terrible end.
We are the beautiful, we are the seas upon which he sails
we are the keys to the chains that hold the captives
we are the place where God dwells, we are the earth in between heaven and hell
we are the fireflies wings, we are the sails on the black sea
we are a nation of mourning in a kingdom of sorrow
we are the blood on the thorn, the wave about to give birth
we are the skin beneath the scab
we are the light amid the shadows
we are his love in your eyes
you are my love in his heart
I am his heart beneath the earth
I am the core at its center
He is the center
We are the reflection of all that once was and is to come
You are the beauty that pains me to see
and you are the light of all our lives
I am the love you've always wanted
you've always wanted
you've always wanted
you shall want no longer.
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