I have considered the lillies of the field, they do not worry about how they shall eat. God in heaven feeds them. Change has come like a feather on the wind. What has persisted to concern me shall concern me no longer. Instead of dreaming of doing, I shall 'Do' and be the wiser for it.
The oceans only have so many waves before they end. If I hurry I will catch them before they break their necks on the shores of our harbors. What mattered most matters little. What was made importance is now lost in the alley. We were made for such things as servitude and honor.
Think of the valleys, the Mayan ruins, the shadows on the forests. They lie undiscovered, and the mystery of God wrapped beneath them waiting to be unearthed. Apathy shall not continue to have victory, procrastination will know me not.
"And Death Shall Have No Dominion."
J.M. Prater
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